“Made in the USA” Drugs

Smart Investors Won’t Want to Miss The Glorious Return of…

Dear Fellow American,

Every year, Americans spend more than $600 billion on drugs.

That's nearly half of all the drug-spending worldwide.

But here's the thing…

For too long now, we've had a very big problem.

You see, while we buy a lot of these drugs…

We haven't been making a lot of them for ourselves.

It's been a growing crisis… with the threat of shortages, low-quality drugs, and much worse… including dangerous health risks for Americans…

And even military vulnerability (we'll get to that)…

If anything our ongoing pandemic has highlighted those risks.

That's the bad news.

But here's the good news — someone is finally doing something about it.

And the result could not only protect millions of Americans…

It could give a few smart investors a chance to make a considerable gain.

Over the next few minutes I'd like to show you how.

At the core?

A potentially massive national effort to re-shore American drug production.

It's got bi-partisan support in Washington.

And there are specific American drug makers lining up to reap the rewards.

That's good news for everybody.

And it could be good news for you too.

See, I've identified at least three of these potential early winners as U.S. drug production begins to thrive again. And I'm eager to share what I've found.

Before we dig in, though…

Let me first back up and give you the full story…

And let me start by showing you this shocking list from the FDA…

Drug shortage list

Do you recognize any of these drugs?

I'll bet you do.

Some you can buy over the counter.

Others are popular prescription meds.

And all of them — 100% — have been or are still in shortage.

This is a daily list, by the way.

In fact, drug makers are required by law to report to the FDA when their supplies are running low. Because these shortages are becoming that common.

In fact, even before the Covid pandemic, drug shortages were costing our hospitals up to $360 million per year.

And, in a recent survey, 100% of reporting hospitals said they've been hit by shortages on common antibiotics, pain drugs, and even emergency meds.

In fact, right now…

The FDA Lists 114 Drugs That Are “Currently In Shortage”

Remember scenes like these, from early in the COVID pandemic?

empty shelves empty shelves

Panicked shoppers were literally fighting each other in the aisles to get access to even the most basic of drugs.

Because they feared being cut off.

Imagine if that were the case every day going forward, even after the pandemic is long over… where we can't get the medications we need.

It's not an America we'd want to live in.

And yet, you're about to see that medical supply chain vulnerabilities are very real here in the U.S… they've been that way for too long… and they run deep.

That's why it's such good news that we're waking up to this shortcoming.

And, even better, are finding the means to do something about it.

Take that FDA list I just showed you.

They've regularly reported those findings to Congress for years now.

Naturally, our bureaucrats did next to nothing.

In some ways, you could say they helped create the crisis in the first place.

You could even trace their complicity on this issue back to one very specific event… on one very specific date…

December 11, 2001

Yes, 2001.

In that same awful year…

When the U.S. was slammed by the Dotcom Crash… 

And slammed again by the horrific 9/11 attacks…

There was another event that set America down a dangerous path.

It happened on a Tuesday.

December 11, 2001.

Probably in the early afternoon.

See, that was the day that the World Trade Organization… at the urging of then-outgoing President Bill Clinton… accepted China into its ranks.

empty shelves empty shelves empty shelves

And all kinds of unexpected outcomes were set in motion. Not the least of which was a future threat to the source and safety of the U.S. drug supply.

How so?

Because starting on that day…

The Chinese began to do to our drug market what they would do to so many of our other once-lucrative industries.

They began to leach it away, bit by bit.

First, they go their hands on our drug formulations. They copied our drug-making processes. And gradually stole American drug-maker jobs.

It wasn't long before we were importing more than we were making. And our dependence on their cheaper, imported medical supplies exploded.

Today, we're dangerously exposed by that dependency.

Obviously, we can no longer tolerate that risk.

And… finally… we may not have to.

That's the story I'd like to tell you now.

It's full of good news for the health of every American.

And potentially full of great news for investors.

You see, earlier I mentioned how American's spend roughly $600 billion per year on their drug needs.

Much of that money was flowing to sources outside of the U.S., but as this changes… imagine what happens when that money flow reverses.

It could keep billions of those dollars right here at home.

And the U.S.-based drug companies at the center of that reversed money flow could make a fortune. This could create substantial investment opportunities.

I've spend the last several months studying that outcome.

And I've found at least three companies that could benefit first.

I hope to share all three with you today.

First though, I need to introduce myself…

My Name is Ray Blanco

I'm not a doctor.

And I don't work for the pharmaceutical industry.

I don't work on Wall Street either.

Even though some have called America's top expert when it comes to investing in drug stocks and biotechs.

To be honest, the best label you could give me is "science geek." That's how I've thought of myself since childhood.

Maybe you even knew somebody like me back then.

While the other kids were outside playing kickball, I was in my parents' garage, doing chemistry experiments.

Or upstairs in my room, either with my nose in a textbook or writing rudimentary programs on my Timex Sinclair 1000.

Straight out of college, I designed and maintained software systems.

In that role, I helped one private financial firm grow to $33 billion under management. And I oversaw operations for easily over $100 million in market transactions every day.

As the programmer for those financial algorithms, I had to know those markets — including the tech and drug markets — better than the brokers themselves.

I think you can agree that already, that gives me some unique insight into the kinds of opportunities I want to show you today.

Of course, I'm also a cancer survivor.

So believe me, I know what it could mean to face a shortage of essential medicines. In my case, I wouldn't have survived. The chemo drugs I took saved my life.

And yet, cancer patients today — including kids with cancer — are among those facing these same drug shortages I'm telling you about today.

And why?

Because for years now, we've been "outsourcing" the production of essential American drugs and drug ingredients to drug makers overseas.

As you'll see, that's about to change.

When it does, it could launch a new "Buy American" era for our most innovative American drug companies.

It could also lead to better health and even save lives for millions of Americans who will no longer have to worry about some key, life-saving treatments.

And it could open up a unique opportunity for investors.

To me, that all adds up to very good news.

Especially for you, if you realize how best to cash in.

Lucky for me, I'm uniquely positioned to show you how this will unfold

See, these days I'm the Chief Technology Analyst for one of the largest independent financial research organizations in America.

More people follow our work than subscribe to mainstream news sources like USA Today, the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, or The Washington Post.

I've used that clout… plus 15 years of hard work… to build one of the most powerful contact networks in America.

Today, I'm lucky enough to meet and talk with CEOs, award-winning scientists, billionaires and other power brokers, any time I sense a shift in the markets.

And I use that access for just one thing — to track down profits in technology.

It's that simple.

It's also why I'm writing to you right now.

As I said, I've just uncovered three different opportunities for us to track, as the US finally fixes its broken pharmaceutical supply chain.

All three of these companies could be among the first to cash in on the "re-shoring" of US drugs… in ways that might never have identified by yourself.

And even then, what I'd like to show you is just the beginning.

After all, as this "Buy American" drug initiative unfolds, we could ultimately see dozens if not hundreds of homegrown, all-American drug companies… and surprisingly related companies… take off.

Over the long haul — say, the next four to five years — we're talking about a practical "reset" for the entire $1.25 trillion global pharmaceutical industry.

And a redirecting of the wealth that, for decades now, U.S. drug buyers have innocently and unwittingly sent overseas.

We're talking about billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars could flow back into the American drug market…

And all of it directed toward exactly the kinds of U.S.-based drug company cost and quality innovators I'd like to show you today.

That's the key, of course.

It's going to take some innovation to bring that drug production back home.

These three companies I'd like to show you are leading that charge.

And by the way, I'm not the only one that's out there sounding the signal on the need for this turnaround. There's been growing awareness for some time.

From all kinds of sources.

And with warnings that have only increased during the pandemic.

For instance, as far back as March Business Insider warned…

Business Insider headline

In May, the National Center for Biotechnology Information reported…

National Center for Biotechnology Information headline

And Time magazine said…

Time magazine headline

CNBC also reported…

CNBC headline

And The New York Times announced…

The New York Times headline

Meanwhile, over at Fox News said…

Fox News headline

As you can see, this isn't just one fringe group or another that's talking about this. It's a rare unified message, coming from across the political spectrum.

The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Newsweek… they've all covered this crisis.

I'm sure they'll also catch on to the three potential solutions I'd like to reveal to you today. Lots of mainstream investors could catch on soon too.

Because the details that are now finally seeing daylight are clearly just too important — and too urgent — to ignore any longer…

America's Secret Shame

Take a close look at this stunning breakdown…

Drug manufacturer comparison

America no longer makes most of its own drugs… and that's an extremely dangerous situation, according to our own experts. This chart shows how 88% of the factories that make drug ingredients for Americans are outside of the U.S.

Once again, what you're seeing here comes to you straight from the FDA.

Specifically, you'll find this chart on page 28 of the report they released in October 2019, which — you'll remember — was before the start of the pandemic.

Congress was so alarmed, they invited the head of the FDA's Drug Shortage Task Force, Dr. Janet Woodcock M.D., to present the findings to a panel.

She didn't mince her words.

Dr. Woodcock told them, flat out…

Dr. Woodcock quote

Did you get that?

We used to be the world leader.  Now we're not.

Dr. Woodcock continued…

Dr. Woodcock quote

To sum up, we've surrendered that role.

And like I said, we've mostly surrendered that role to one competitor…

Yep… China.

Just as they've done in so many other markets…

The Chinese unleashed a combination of cheap labor, price gouging, and lower quality and gradually sucked away support for US drug makers.

Don't get me wrong — it's partly our own fault.

We bought the cheaper drugs. Some of us even looked the other way on slipping quality. We ignored the risks of international drug sourcing.

Until suddenly we realized… this isn't just bad business.

It's potentially dangerous.

And I'm sure you can see why.

After all, it's one thing when your watch or your phone comes from China. It's something else when you're counting on China for key medical supplies.

Once again, it's not just me telling you this.

Exactly these risks are detailed in a recent book written by investigative journalist, Rosemary Gibson. It's called, fittingly, "ChinaRX."

And it's so hard-hitting, Ms. Gibson was also called before Congress to testify about her findings. In that testimony, she warned them…

Ms. Gibson quote

Keep in mind, Ms. Gibson has no political axe to grind. She's just a concerned expert, who wants to share what she's found with an unaware public.

And you won't believe the threats she's uncovered.

For one, did you know that America no longer makes its own penicillin? That's right. One of the most important medical discoveries in history, and we used to be one of the world's largest manufacturers of this game-changing drug.

Until the Chinese stepped in.

Now they dominate the penicillin market.

And that's not all.

According to Gibson, we used to make our own heparin too.

You might know already, heparin is an essential blood-thinner.  Without it, doctors would have to cancel many surgeries.

We also use heparin to protect millions of older Americans from strokes.

But now we depend almost solely on the Chinese to make most of our heparin supplies too. If they were to cut us off, it would be a catastrophe.

That's why Gibson's book also warns about the military risk.

How so?

Our military is a massive organization. Even the daily, non-combat medical needs are intense. They need a reliable, steady supply of key drugs.

According to the Pentagon, we're getting most of those drugs from China. Beijing could cripple our military in days, just by cutting off that supply.

With not a single bullet fired, we'd be toast.

Now listen to this, from a respected industry source called The Pharma Letter…

The Pharma Letter quote

Still not convinced we can no longer tolerate this market situation, where China gets to control what does… or doesn't… make it to our drugstore shelves?

Let me give you just one more piece of irrefutable proof…

I Want You To Take A Look At This Map

What you see below is the Hubei Province in central China…

Hubei Province map

Those red dots are major cities.

Most of them are manufacturing cities.

And many of the factories they contain make drugs.

Including the drugs that now fill your home medicine cabinet.

But here's where I really want to aim your focus…

Can you guess which city is the capital of the Hubei province?

It's Wuhan.

Yes, that Wuhan…

Birthplace to the coronavirus pandemic…

And also home to no fewer than 42 of those Chinese drug makers I just told you about. 42. Most of which make drugs for export to the US.

Can you see what I'm getting at?

When the communists first shut things down to contain COVID, nearly three-quarters of the positive-tested cases were in Hubei.

You've seen what happens in a quarantine.

Every shop, every mall, every business goes dark. If they don't close completely, activity slows to a crawl.

And this includes, of course, drug factories like those in Wuhan. Suddenly, all those drugs that we're counting on here in the US are stuck in lockdown too.

Does that sound "secure" to you?

That's what happens when you're getting all your essential supplies from one very vulnerable… and not so stable or reliable… source.

Which is why — finally — we're waking up to that risk.

More importantly, we're taking steps toward a solution.

One that could protect our military… protect the lives of regular Americans… and could re-direct the flow of billions of dollars to a few US drug companies.

What I'd like to do is show you how to participate in that re-directed flow of investment wealth. Just by understanding how this could turn around.

I'd like to spell out those details for you now…

I Call It The "NPI"

As you read this, there's a movement underway.

 One that could start redirecting that $600 billion in drug spending that we talked about… in a way that could both save lives and boost our drugmakers.

I call it the "National Pharmaceutical Initiative."

For short, the "NPI."

The way I see it, this "NPI" phenomenon could play out for years.

And it could create countless more investment opportunities as it unfolds.

After all, remember, the global drug market is worth $1.25 trillion.

But nearly half of all that demand — 48% — comes all of us living here in the United States. As I've shown you, that's roughly $600 billion.

Imagine what happens when much of that is refocused on the US.

Already, thanks to our last President, a White House Executive Order exists that commands the Pentagon to "buy American" when it comes medicine

In that same order, the US was charged with rebuilding "resilient domestic supply chains" for our key medicines.

In other words, even when Trump was still in the White House, these "NPI"-type actions were already in motion.

In fact, it was Trump who also said first…

Trump quote

But before you dismiss this as yet another remnant of the Trump era that's about to get tossed aside by the Democrats… listen to this…

On February 24, 2021, Joe Biden's White House jumped onto the back of Trump's bandwagon, with a new Executive Order that said…

Biden administration quote

And in the first part of that order, focused attention on rebuilding America's drug-supply security here on home soil.

For all their squabbling, both sides of Congress are on board too. For instance, take Republican Marco Rubio and Democrat Elizabeth Warren.

You couldn't get two more polar opposites.

Yet, they teamed up on a "re-shoring" bill that proclaimed…

Congress quote

And listen to this, from Republican Senator Tom Cotton, in a statement about a similar bill he pushed in Congress…

Senator Tom Cotton quote

You see my point.

No matter which side of the aisle you're on, it's clear. This drive to re-shore America's drug supply is real.  And it isn't going away.

What's more, there's actually a long-standing statute in place that could lend extra support to this "National Pharmaceutical Initiative" going forward.

Using this statute, DC power-brokers could even accelerate the money-flow into U.S. drug makers. Just like they've done for other industries for years.

Let me show you what I mean…

A 70-Year Old Blueprint

Over 70 years ago, Harry Truman faced a huge dilemma.

It was just six years after World War II and our military was still in recovery. But North Korea had launched a dawn attack. And they needed our help.

So Truman pushed Congress to pass Federal Law #81-774.

This new law, #81-774, gave the government special powers. It allowed them to redirect huge financial resources to specific markets and companies.

The idea, of course, was that those private industries could help meet the challenge faster than any slow-moving parts of the government.

The Korean war, of course, is long since over.

But Law #81-774 is still on the books today.

And it could be the very spark — if not the backbone — of the "National Pharmaceutical Initiative" I've been anticipating. Even today.

What makes me so sure?

For one, every White House since Truman has not been shy about using this law to get things done in a hurry.  Truman himself used it to get steel and mining companies to refill resource stockpiles.

But years later, in the '60s and '70s, D.C. turned to Law #81-774 again, to shore up America's energy supply.

Law #81-774 was called up once more in the 1980s, when Reagan used it to get US tech leaders to develop semiconductors for the Pentagon.

In fact, since the 1950s, Law #81-774 has been re-authorized over 50 times

Clinton and Bush both invoked Law #81-774 in the early 2000s…

Obama tapped its powers cut back on the Chinese hardware and software used in our tech devices…  and Trump used it to protect American satellites.

Trump also used it to protect US vaccine production… to break mask and ventilator shortages… and to boost our shipping industry.

And now President Biden has already invoked the powers of Law #81-774 too, so we can ramp up the production and distribution of Covid vaccines.

You see my point.

No matter who's pulling the strings, law #81-774 has the potential to unleash investors on whatever industry it targets.

Right now, that target is the "re-shoring" of America's drugs.

It's what Trump wanted.

It's what Congress is asking for.

It's what the FDA and the Pentagon are begging for.

And now Joe Biden wants it too.

It doesn't matter if you agree with government meddling. The bottom line is, this NPI "movement" has teeth. And it's already underway.

How big could this potential impact be?

Just to give you some idea, let's take a look at one extreme but recent example…

How "Picture-Perfect" Profits Showed Investors a 27X Return

The most recent use of Law #81-774 could have shown investors up to 27 times their money.

And in just two days' time.

Now keep in mind, this is an extreme example and not the norm.

I'm simply pulling it from the headlines to drive home the potential, should any kind of "National Pharmaceutical Initiative" follow this roadmap.

It happened this past May…

The nation was in lockdown, the pandemic dominated the news, and it was clear that our medical supply shortages would force action.

That's when the White House triggered Law #81-774.

Then President Trump wrote…

Senator Tom Cotton quote

In short, the government was ready to write huge checks to US companies that were ready to start using their unique expertise to start closing that gap.

You might even remember what happened next…

In a crazy twist, one of the first companies to get some of that money was… wait for it… Eastman Kodak.

Why them?

Because, and a few smart investors understood this, Kodak has quietly expanded their chemical expertise into making key drug ingredients.

The White House gave them $765 million to expand on that.

And Kodak's shares exploded.

Anybody who bought in one day before the announcement could have paid as little as $2.13 per share… just two days later, Kodak listed for $60.

Kodak chart

That's an 2,717% Return In Just Over 48 Hours

Again, that's an extreme example that most investors probably missed.

I know I did. Like I said, I'm just putting that out there for you as just one possible example, plucked straight from the headlines.

These days, that window has long since closed.

But think about it…

If a dinosaur like Kodak can be reinvigorated like that, by the hint of a "reboot" for America's vast, homegrown medical supply industry…

Can you imagine what that could do for other U.S.-based drug companies, as even more market cash and government funds pour into "NPI"-like plans?

For instance, take an outfit like Novavax (NVAX).

It's a vaccine maker based in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

It's was also one of the big winners in "Operation Warp Speed," the White House's that famously helped  program fast-track a COVID vaccine.

Novavax got $1.6 billion in funding.

Look what happened next…

Novavax chart

Novavax looked like it was asleep for a long, long time. As recently as Jan. 14, 2020 investors could have jumped in at $3.99 per share.

By February 8, 2021, they could have sold those same shares for just under $320.

That's a 7,918% return in just thirteen months.

Or enough to turn every $1,000 worth into $80,180.

Or how about a giant like Thermo Fischer Scientific (TMO)?

Thermo Fischer chart

TMO makes medical testing kits and they're based in Waltham, Massachusetts.

Way back in 1980, TMO went public and listed for as little as $2.71 .  

For decades it went almost nowhere.

Then in 2009, TMO got "Emergency Use" status from the FDA for a test that could detect H1NI — also known as the swine flu.

It t happened again for TMO, with "Emergency Use" status for an Ebola test… and in 2017, when the FDA endorsed TMO's test for Zika.

Each of those approvals injected activity into the shares. But can you guess who's making millions of those COVID test kits we're using right now?

That's right — TMO.

Their TaqPath Covid-19 Combo Kit won "Emergency Use" status back in March, 2020. But here's what's really incredible…

Any investor who was aware in time about how those kinds of emergency approvals can boost the shares, could have watched this U.S. drug company's stock soar from $2.71 at the 1980 IPO to an incredible peak of $527.66 per share by early November 2020.

That's enough to deliver a 19,392% return.

Every $1,000 could have grown into $194,920.

Or look at West Pharmaceutical Services (WS).

WST grew from a tiny operation in Exton, Pennsylvania where they still keep their headquarters.

Back in March 1980, investors could have picked up WST shares for just $1.27.

Today every $1,000 invested would be worth an incredible $231,142…

West Pharmaceutical chart

You can see how, in the chart, the shares really started moving in 2010.

It so happens, that was the year US pharmacies in all 50 states first got permission to give flu shots — a market where WST dominates.

Or take  PerkinElmer (PKI), also based out of Massachusetts…

PerkinElmer chart

Way back in 1973, the year before I was born, anybody who was around at the time could have picked up PKI shares for as little as 27 cents.

At first, PKI was making optics devices for the US Navy. By the '90s, they'd expanded to medical equipment. Today, you'll never guess what they make.

PKI produces the scanners that read all those COVID nasal swabs.

And clearly, those moves into medical equipment have paid for all-American PKI. From their 1973 IPO to February 2021, their shares are up 54,156%

For every $1,000 invested, that's $541,556

Of course, again, I want to make this clear…

These are truly extraordinary and rare examples.

You shouldn't go into what I'm about to show you banking on those kinds of results. Because very few stocks of any kind ever soar to such amazing heights.

I also want to repeat, I'm just using these cases as hypothetical examples.

Just the same, I hope you see my point.

Once you know where to look, you can find a lot of proof that lots of shares could be driven higher by this major shift in the U.S.-based drug market.

Take Massachusetts-based vaccine-maker  Moderna (MRNA), up 1,356% from a low of $12.26 in 2019 to $178.53 today…

Moderna chart

Or Regeneron (REGN) out of Terrytown, New York, which went public in 1991 at $21… and peaked at $658 in July of 2020…

Regeneron chart

Or how about, San Diego, California's Inovio Pharmaceuticals (INO)…

Inovio chart

Investors could have bought INO for just $1.97 in October 2019land sold at a peak of nearly $32 this past June.

And would have walked away up 1,509% — enough to turn every $1,000 into $16,086 in just 8 months.

Or you could have held out for even more, as INO's story plays out over the months and years ahead.

Again, these are just some of my favorite examples.

I've identified them in hindsight, as part of my research into how well this could work. And I'm sharing them with you now, so you can see this too.

Americans are primed for this idea.  Washington agrees. And our doctors agree. I'm convinced Wall Street investors will agree too.

That's why I've identified the three US-based companies I'd love to show you today.

Because I believe we're on the crest of a wave of new wealth the U.S. innovators who can help bring our crucial drug supply chains back to America.

Of course, you can't just throw darts and hope to get lucky.

You need to pay attention.

Lucky for you, I've already gone that extra mile to zero in on what I believe are exactly the right shares.

To get there, I had to read piles of FDA reports. I had to study the results of countless drug trials.

And I had to tap my network to talk to industry experts.

But I'm convinced this will be worth it.

In just a second, I'll show you some details about the first of these three all-American "NPI" companies.

But first…

There's One Key Secret To Our Drug Supply "Comeback"

Before we dig into my first "NPI" discover, you might be asking…

Why now?

That is,  now that China has dominated production of our drugs for nearly 20 years… how can we suddenly start taking that market back?


See, China took over our drug-making the same way they took over making our clothes, our car parts, our smartphones, our TVs, and more…

With slave labor and low quality.

Obviously, we don't want to compete at those levels.

But this is America… we've got an alternative.

Again, let me point you to what Dr. Janet Woodcock of the FDA told Congress in her testimony about a possible solution to our drug shortage crisis.

She said…

Dr. Janet Woodcock quote

Did you hear those two key words?

We're going to beat the Chinese the same way we bounced back from Pearl Harbor and went on to win World War II…

With the same secret edge we used to invent the Internet… and to crack the human genome…

In a nutshell, we're going to innovate ourselves out of this mess, with the help of advanced manufacturing.

Let me give you my first of three perfect examples…

National Pharmaceutical Initiative Play #1

The Baltimore Vaccine Maker That Could Save Us All From COVID-19

Ask yourself, what do Astra Zeneca…


And Johnson & Johnson

All have in common?

If you said "COVID vaccines" you're right, of course.

But there's something else they share.

You see, as part of that research, every single one of these companies — plus the U.S. government itself — have also made a deal with one very special Maryland firm.

A firm that's helping all of those research teams scale up those vaccines for testing… and, for the vaccines that work, to bring them to the global market.

Why are they all turning to this one Baltimore-based company for help?

Simple. Because over the last 22 years, it's this one company that's become a market leader in manufacturing and packaging individual doses of vaccines.

No matter how effective a vaccine is, after all, it's useless if you can't distribute it. And this one Maryland company has an unmatched reputation for doing that.

In fact, in the government deal I just told you about alone…

This US-based vaccine maker just one a $628 million contract to make "tens to hundreds of millions of doses" of COVID-19 vaccines through the end of this year.

Some of its other deals are even bigger.

For instance, the vaccine-making deal it signed in July with Johnson & Johnson is good until 2023. That's another five years.

Meanwhile, this same Maryland company's deal with AstraZeneca is good for the next three years. And their shares have already jumped on the news.

I fully expect more big moves ahead.

For example, we're bound to see even more COVID-19 vaccines hit the market. As they do, I fully expect this Maryland company to ink even more deals.

They've got other kinds of deals cooking too.

For instance, this Maryland firm is in Phase II trials with a COVID-19 antibodies treatment. They're developing it in partnership with ImmunoTek and the Department Defense.

And it's not just COVID-19 news driving the shares.

Remember, for instance, how America's most serious pre-pandemic health crisis was the opioid epidemic?

Well, this same company has come up with an emergency nasal spray that can halt a death-by-opioid accident in its tracks. It's just won a nod from the FDA this August.

It could single handedly slash overdose deaths across the US and you'll find it carried over the counter in 41 US states at major pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens, and Kroger.

Here's something else…

Remember the anthrax scare back in 2001?

Two decades later and there's only one anti-anthrax vaccine licensed by the FDA. This company I'm telling you about is the one that makes it.

They've sold over 66 million doses to the US government.

The CDC also buys this company's anthrax vaccine for the Strategic National Stockpile, in case of an emergency or terror attack.

What's more, this company owns the only FDA-approved smallpox vaccine… as well as FDA-approved typhoid and cholera vaccines.

Over the first half of 2020, you could have watched this company's sales surge to $587 million over those first two quarters. That's a jump of 35%. 

Before the pandemic, they traded as high as 50X their February number.

Even to get back to previous levels,  you're looking at a potential 263% gain.

And remember, it's already clear that we're not going to be able to vaccinate the whole world overnight. It could take months or even years.

With the new variants, we might need booster shots too.

These arrangements to help supply the vaccine makers could last years.

As grim as that sounds, this company is there to help.

I've put all my research about this firm in a brand new investment report. Let me send you everything I've found — including, of course, the ticker symbol.

Before I explain how to get a copy, take a look at this…

National Pharmaceutical Initiative Play #2

A Boston Company That's Bringing Life-Saving Antibiotics Back to America

Earlier I told you about a dire warning from the book, "ChinaRX." 

Right now, China controls our access to hundreds if not thousands of essential drugs.

That's extremely dangerous and could even prove deadly.

There might be no example that makes that more obvious than with antibiotics and what "ChinaRX" calls the "Penicillin Cartel."

What's the "penicillin cartel?"

See, making antibiotics is very big business.

Without them, we couldn't do major surgery. Many more women would die in childbirth. You would have a hard time surviving even minor cuts or a bite from your neighbor's cat.

And yet, you might not know this…

But America, who once produced millions of pounds of antibiotics per year, shut down its last penicillin plant in 2004. Exactly according to China's plan.

Yes, I said they planned to squeeze us out of the market.

For years, China bought up key ingredients for making life-saving antibiotics. Then, in 2004, they started dumping those supplies on the global market at very low prices.

It wasn't long before other antibiotic makers couldn't afford to stay in business.

It's the same strategy the Saudis used to corner the oil market.

Only this time, it's China getting a stranglehold on a life-saving drug.

But that's about to change too…

This next company I'd love to show you is based out of Boston.

And I predict that they'll soon be one of the most important biopharmaceutical firms in America, if they haven't snuck up on that title already.


Remember what I said about antibiotics — we can't live without them. You could even say the whole US economy doesn't work without them.

And this second company I want to show you is the only firm in our country right now that's got a fully U.S.-based antibiotic supply chain, from first ingredient to the final product.

Even better, this isn't just a reboot of some penicillin company.

They've discovered and make an entirely new kind of antibiotic, developed from the basic molecule of one of the most effective antibiotics ever made, tetracycline.

It's the first FDA-approved antibiotic of its kind in nearly 20 years.

It's so new it's the first in a new chemical class of drugs.

Which means it's got zero direct in-class competition.

And this company owns worldwide rights to this groundbreaking drug.

What's really remarkable is how it can treat almost any kind of common bacterial infection. That's what they mean when they say an antibiotic has an extremely "broad spectrum."

It also works against antibiotic-resistant diseases.

And it's got far fewer side-effects than heavyweight fluoroquinolone drugs.

That's big news, since up until now, doctors have been giving out these much more serious drugs — like Cipro, Levaquin, and Avelox — like candy.

Even though those older drugs are so harsh, they can destroy your tendons, joints muscle tissue, even your nervous system.

Meanwhile, this company's newer antibiotic as very few side effects.

Remember, too, that this company's new antibiotic is based on the tetracycline molecule.

And tetracycline was the breakthrough that took Pfizer from a tiny company to a world-dominating drug giant.

It was the drug of choice given to teens with acne. And the man who discovered it is now in the Inventors Hall of Fame, alongside Thomas Edison.

Tetracycline was so popular, bacteria started resisting it.

But this company's new antibiotic doesn't have that problem.

Make no mistake, right now this is basically still a one-drug company.  But this new drug of theirs is a "broad-spectrum" drug that could treat many kinds of infection.

It's already gotten "Fast Track" approval for treating urinary tract infections, skin problems, and pneumonia. And it's headed into trials for diabetic infections.

These are huge markets…

What's more, they've got another potential blockbuster drug.

It's another antibiotic for curing skin conditions, especially teen acne. If you know any teenagers, you know that's a massive opportunity.

Meanwhile, I've studied the management of this second company too.

Their team is packed with past and future Nobel Prize winners. And the head of the company used to be the senior vice president of R&D at Pfizer.

And remember, Pfizer, was the first company to discover how to mass-produce antibiotics. They were once one of the biggest antibiotic producers in the world.

Here's one more thing…

The U.S. government just gave this second company $285 million to build an all-American supply chain for its breakthrough antibiotic drug.

It's all part of a government program called Project Bioshield.

Under that deal, this company has three full years to put 10,000 doses of their new breakthrough drug into the Strategic National Stockpile.

That's a locked-in buyer for pre-booked sales.I've gladly recommended this company to those who follow my research before, but I'm thrilled that we'll get this chance to go back for more.

A first-in-class antibiotic like this, with all kinds of new applications, is an opportunity unlike anything you'll see in decades.

And just like the first drug I showed you, it's a "buy American" play.

You can find out all about both of these companies in the special medical "mini-series" of reports I've put together.

They'll show you everything you need to know.

And I'll show you how get access to them in just a second.

First, though, here's one more move you don't want to miss…

National Pharmaceutical Initiative Play #3

The New Jersey Company That Sells Drugs To The US Government

If I were to ask you who purchased more prescription drugs than anybody else…

Who would you guess I'm talking about?

If you said it's the US government, you're right.

They purchase massive orders of prescription drugs every year.

And who would you guess is selling the government those drugs?

Because it's actually a company you've probably never heard of.

Actually, two companies.

Let me back up and explain…

See, for years, a company in Tennessee dedicated themselves to cultivating lucrative drug order contracts with the U.S. government.

And they were hugely successful.

In fact, they not only sealed deals to supply generic drugs to the Veterans Administration and the Department of Defense…

But also to the Navy, the Marines, the Air Force, Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the NIH, and the Department of Health and Human Services.

That's just to name a few.

And now that this "National Pharmaceutical Initiative" is pushing for the government to buy only drugs made on American soil…

You would think those government drug contracts would be hugely appealing to investors.

But here's the thing… that Tennessee company isn't publicly listed on any stock exchange. It's private. You couldn't own their shares even if you wanted to.

However, there's still a way investors can get in.

See, in 2019, this Tennessee company was taken over by an even more impressive generic drug company — also with a name I'll bet you don't know — from New Jersey.

Why are either of these companies, who now supply generics to the single biggest subscription drug buyer in the United States, still so obscure to investors?

For one, the takeover didn't happen until the very end of 2019.

So it was quickly overshadowed by the pandemic.

For another, the new parent company only went public itself in 2018.

So, yes, these names are still off radar.

Right now, you'll find the parent company's shares listed at less than $7.

But I don't expect it to stay that way for long.

See, the parent company we're talking about…

The one that's snapped up a controlling stake in all these lucrative drug deals with the US government…

Is already attracting a lot of attention from some heavy hitting Wall Street analysts, including Barclays Banks, Cantor Fitzgerald, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, and PiperJaffray, to name a few.

And that shouldn't take you by surprise, once you see the numbers.

Right now, this company has over 250 different generic and specialty drugs that they produce. And they're well diversified across the pharmacy shelves.

They make everything, from generics for hypothyroidism and Parkinson's… to drugs for treating stomach infections and migraines…

And they've got plans to launch another 55 generic drugs by 2025.

With their takeover of the Tennessee generic brand, this parent company picked up an even bigger generic drug catalog…

Including generic versions of such incredibly common drugs as naproxen, tetracycline, acetaminophen, baclofen, pantoprazole, and more.

In fact, it's a strategy of takeovers and acquisitions like this that's given this parent company such rapid revenue growth and rising market share.

It's almost like a tech giant's approach to the generic pharmaceutical market.

Just in the last year, and despite the lockdowns, this New Jersey firm saw their revenues soar 20%.

They've also piled up cash.

Right now, they've got $341 million in the bank plus another $495 million in credit lines. And they're lining up more acquisitions to put that money to work.

Top industry reporting has called them a "shining star" and a "luminary" of the massive generics industry.

And it is massive — remember that more than 90% of the drug prescriptions filled in the United States are filled with generic drugs.

You've probably taken generics yourself.

This third company already has a $1.6 billion market cap.

And already, once before, they've seen their shares rocket 52% in a day on FDA news about a generic birth control drug approval.

Like I said, right now it's back in the range of $5 per share.

But you shouldn't expect it to stay there for long.

I'm ready to share every detail about this company…

And in fact, for all three all-American "NPI" moves above…

That's why I've created a special resource — a library of my best research on this "NPI" phenomenon that I'm predicting — that you can download immediately.

Inside, you'll discover how to act on all three of these opportunities with just a few clicks. You could move on all three as early as tomorrow morning.

Everything you'll need to get started, you'll find in this exclusive library of briefings that I just mentioned. I call this series, "All-American Drugs: How to Invest As 21st Century Pharma Tech Comes Home."

Inside, you'll discover exactly what's driving this "re-shoring" phenomenon…  just how big this could be for U.S. drug makers… and how this could drive drug stocks for years to come.

Then I'll lay out all the details for you on all three of the innovative, all-American drug companies we've just talked about. And all four reports in this library are yours to keep, absolutely free.

Of course, there's one small catch…

You Can Have The Whole Series FREE — As a Gift From Me — On ONE Condition

The time and research I've poured into this is opportunity alone is worth thousands of dollars.

Maybe even tens of thousands, depending on how you decide to use it.

And, you should also know, I'm no stranger to getting that kind of money for my research.

Others have paid thousands of dollars to hear and read what I have to say.

And they've been happy to pay it.

What's Technology Profits Confidential?

Every month… and in regular updates… I alert my 86,256 readers to cutting-edge research on all kinds of breakthrough opportunities, just like you've seen here.

Say yes to my offer today, and it's a win-win situation for both of us. I'll get your loyal readership. And you'll get to how we're getting substantial returns in our model portfolio.

It's that simple.

Like the 193% in 6 months I could have showed you on Celldex Therapeutics… the 160% you could have seen in just three and a half years on Seattle Genetics… and the 239% gains you could have collected in just over three months on Aerie Pharmaceuticals.

I could have showed you another 216% return in eight months on Immunogen… 321% gains in 26 months on Newlink Genetics… and 266% in 20 months on Endocyte.

From 2010 to 2014, my readers had the chance to make 364% on Isis Pharmaceuticals… in under four years, they saw a 660% gain on NVIDIA… and in 2.5 years, a 346% gain on Advanced Micro Devices…

In six months, I was able to show them 196% returns on Synageva… plus another 353% you could have made on Advanced Micro Devices again, when we went jumped in for more, from 2016 to 2018.

That's just a small sample.

And don't get me wrong. I'm not saying we get it right every time. Sometimes, I'll invest months of research into an opportunity and we'll see the trail go cold.

A breakthrough drug will fail a key trial… a robotics company will get bad press… a Silicon Valley startup will lose funding… a change in the law will come down on a market like a hammer.

Surprises like that can and do happen. That's why you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.

At the same time, we had an incredibly consistent track record.

We've kept track of every single recommendation I've published in Technology Profits Confidential, recording both the total days held and total return from the buy to recommended sell date.

When you look at that record, you'll see that over the last 10 years — going back to 2011 — we've posted an average return on all trades of 58.63%.

In six of those years, including every closed recommendation in 2021, we've averaged over 50%.

In three of those years, we averaged over 100%.

Our weakest year was 2016, with an average of over 27% returns.

And last year — 2020 — we averaged a 92% return.

And all with a respectable hold time, on average, of about 19 months per recommendation.

What I'm saying, though, is that through due diligence…

And through my countless meetings with everyone from tech insiders and award-winning scientists to billionaires and famous CEOs…

I'm able to cut down on unknown risks, simply by dragging as much as I can into the light.  

As you can see, that work pays off when it comes to performance.

What I'm proposing now is that you let me do the same work for you in Technology Profits Confidential.

By the way, don't think that we'll always have to swing for the fences.

You'll have lots of smaller opportunities too.

Like the time when I could have showed you now to make 81% in 17 months on NVE Corp… the 73% gain on NXP Semiconductors you could have seen in 20 months… and the 150% return on Vertex Pharmaceuticals I could have showed in roughly 2.5 years.

You also could have seen 36% in 16 months on Corning Inc… 116% in just over two years on ARM Holdings… and 93% gain in 22 months on Infinera… and that list goes on too.

Here's something else…

When you follow my work, you'll see I like to hedge risk by taking money off the table.

That's why a lot of the gains I'll show, we'll get by recommending a sale of half the shares. That way you have a chance at gains and safety.

Like the time I told my readers to pick up Virgin Galactic on August 2, 2019. We cashed out half that position for a 65% gain just over one year later.

We sold the other half six months down the road for a 230% return.

We did the same with Teladoc Health, when I told readers to buy on October 4, 2019. Teladoc is a telemedicine company. It lets you see a doctor online.

In March 2020, I told my readers to cash out half for a 114% gain. Then the lockdowns came and we were still holding on to our second half of the shares.

That May, as most of the lockdown countries opened up, I told readers to cash in the rest for another 152% return.

We did it again with CyberArk Software. I recommended a buy on December 28, 2015. We sold half in February 2019 for a 136% gain. Then sold the other that October, for another 126% return.

When you know to take something off the table, it's almost like playing with the "house's money" with the rest of your stake.

I'd love the chance to show you many more opportunities just like these, over the months ahead.

Just to give you some idea…

Between issues, I like to shoot out alerts on emerging trends and breaking stories or opportunities.

I also put out special in-depth reports for my readers…

You won't find anything like Technology Profits Confidential.

Already, I share my recommendations… and my deep market analysis… with over 86,256 private readers. I'd love for you to join them.

All It Takes to Get Started Is The Single Click of a Button…

I'll put this another way…

What if, with the single click of a button, you could open the closed doors that guard some of the most profitable and rare insights across the entire tech industry?

What if, for instance, you were among the first to know when certain breakthrough treatments for cancer, heart disease, or even a global pandemic were about to pass their first, second, or third clinical drug trials?

What if you had "early knowledge" about groundbreaking 5G or satellite technology… or high-level confidence about a deal that was about to go down between AI companies?

What could you do with that kind of information?

It would be like having a stack of tomorrow's headlines, right there at your fingertips. I can't give you a crystal ball. We obviously can't time travel.

But what I'm proposing here is the next best thing.

With your risk-free trial subscription to Technology Profits Confidential, I'm saying you'll enjoy the benefits of what easily has to be the most cultivated network in the business.

I've spent years building contacts with… and meeting with…  the world’s smartest scientists,  top tech insiders, and wealthy and powerful CEOs.

Because I know them, you'll get to know them too.

I'll share with you everything that they share with me, behind closed doors. Among your family and friends, you'll be among the first to know the breakthroughs they develop.

You'll also be among the first to know how to make money on those discoveries. That's our mission, plain and simple.

Every single month.

Just as soon as you accept my risk-free invitation.

“Great success… [in one month I've seen] over 900% growth so far. I'm very impressed with the great work you are doing.”

— Skip Myers

“Hi Ray, I wanted to let you know I had a 92% profit on my Neuroderm shares. Not bad for only 4 days! Thank you!”

— Lorita Heale

“First of all, thanks Ray for the big gain on NDRM. This is exactly the sort of research and recommendation I wish to gain from Technology Profits Confidential. Good stuff. I look forward to more…”

— Mark Johnston

“Ray, I wanted to thank you. Today, I had a gain of 41% on ARENA Pharmaceuticals (ARNA) in just 5 days since your recommendation. I'm very excited and I wanted to let you know about it.”

— Wilson Mendez

“That was great! Love making money this way. My husband will be sooooo happy. I am new to this but I love your notifications messages. I love adding to our retirement nest egg. God bless you!”

— Judy Poague

“This was my first time ever trading stocks. I must admit I was extremely anxious about the whole process but I followed your instructions to the letter and now I'm having fun and I made a little money while doing it.  More importantly you are a good teacher.  I appreciate all you are doing to help others.”

— Theodore Agnew

“[A 169%] profit in 4 months. Keep up the good work…”

— Craig Reynolds

“I have made money on every recommendation… if your advice continues to be as accurate and timely I expect to realize a nice return… Thanks for timely insights and good advice.”

— J. L. Williams

I hope that someday soon, you'll send me your own letter with a message just like this,  as we target even more gains that are just as good or better.

Like the opportunity readers have had with the chip maker AMD…

AMD chart

I urged my readers to get in at $4.50 per share at the end of May 2016.

By late November in 2018, shares were trading over $20, for a 353% return.

Or the time I told folks about a chance to own NewLink Genetics…

NLNK chart

I recommended a buy on Newlink in January 2013 at $12.

Just over a year later, it hit $37 and I recommended selling half the shares for a 211% return.

We sold another quarter of the original recommended position 14 months later for 321%… and the final quarter of shares for 61% more in April 2016.

Or how about the time my readers could have acted on 3D Systems Corp…

DDD chart

With that one, we saw 195% in just over 9 months.

The bottom line is that I've known from the beginning that my readers come from a special crowd with high expectations.

So I can't just make promises, I need to actually deliver.

And that's what I do.

You'll see it in my research. You'll see it in our model portfolio. And you'll see it with every alert, every issue, every report and every update that I'll send you.

You'll also get all the time you need to look these things over, so you can see for yourself what's there and exactly how much it can do for you.

This is a fully guaranteed invitation.

With lots of time for you to check out my work and see if it's for you.

Let's take one more tour through everything you'll receive today…

product shot

When you agree to give my research newsletter a try…

I'll start you off immediately with your full briefing library, called “All-American Drugs: How to Invest As 21st Century Pharma Tech Comes Home.”

Inside your digital library, you'll get…


As a brand new reader of Technology Profits Confidential, you’ll also get…

Almost everything you'll get above is included free with your no-risk, trial subscription.

And all of it with one goal — to get you out in front of the biggest tech stock moves anywhere. When there are still profits to be made.

I'll take you deep inside with breaking stories, rich opportunities, and everything you'll need to grab maximum potential returns.

Week after week, month after month.

With every issue, you'll get pure, timely, and actionable advice.

So how much will you pay?

Keep in mind, folks on Wall Street can pay professional research services hundreds or even thousands of dollars… for one-off trend reports.

That's not how we work at Technology Profits Confidential.

For everything we just talked about, you'll only pay for the risk-free trial subscription itself. And, because it's a trial, you won't pay full price.

I'm going to ask you to pay just $79 for everything.

And that includes a few extra gifts we haven't discussed.

That Works Out to Just 22 Cents Per Day

In other words, for less than half the price of a postage stamp per day…

And in return, you're getting…

Your three extra bonus reports…

All your monthly issues and weekly market alerts…

Your password-protected access to my members-only website.

My monthly phone call for subscribers…

And your early story access…

All for such a ridiculously low price. And all of it backed by my full no-questions asked, risk-free guarantee. You risk nothing to give this a try.

I'll show you in just a second how thorough that guarantee is.

But before I do…

There's One More Thing

When I started digging into this "re-shoring" event for the medical market, I came across a lot more opportunity than I expected.

That's why I'd like to offer you one more gift as part of your library…

product shot

On top of your other gifts and extra services, you'll also get another special briefing, in addition to your "All-American Drugs" library.

product shot

I call it…

Altogther, that gives you seven potentially lucrative ways to get started.

Plus all the other extras that come with your one-year trial subscription to Technology Profits Confidential.

If you ask me, that's a very strong invitation.

But let's make it even better…

How About You Pay Even Less?

Even with everything you're about to get…

Let's say you still aren't sure if you're ready to make this move.

I can understand that.

Which is why I'd like to make your good deal even better.

How about instead of paying $79… you pay just $49.

With everything we talked about still included.

Doesn't that sound fair?

Don't get me wrong — it's not like we don't have a lot of research costs to cover.

Plus a full production team and storage and delivery costs.

But, because I make it my business to keep our 86,256 loyal readers happy, I know that means many of them will come back for more.

Which in turn gives me and my publisher the luxury of making better deals like this with you at the outset.

I simply prefer to do business that way.

To sum up, at this discounted price you'll pay next to nothing to join me. And, in return, you'll get some of the best tech market research ever offered.

Within minutes, you'll get access to your special downloadable reports… and my member website.

Every week, you'll get instant alert updates delivered to your inbox.

And every month, you'll get your regular issues of Technology Profits Confidential.

This way, you'll have steady access to all the steps and details you'll need to position yourself immediately for massive growth.

Look, I know this isn't for everybody.

Some people just aren't that interested in paying this much attention to detail.

But I've got a pretty good hunch that you're a lot like me.

And like I said, there's nothing better than deal that works for both of us.

When you sign up, I get to share my passion for technology markets. And God knows, I've loved science and innovation from a very young age.

And for you, get a crack at discovering some of the best technology opportunities on the market, long before the mainstream catches up.

Even better, I know that when these companies we'll track get attention, that can mean more money for them too. Which means even more breakthroughs.

It's exactly how capitalism is supposed to work.

And, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful cycles anywhere.

Of course, that works in my industry too.

See, I've been publishing my research like this for a very long time now — for a full decade — and I only make money if you love what I do.

In other words, the better my research, the better your experience. And the more likely you are to stick around for the long haul.

That's why we don't chase weak tips or penny shares.

It's also why I work so hard to make sure I never let you down. And to make sure you always get out ahead of the market, no matter what else is going on.

It's also why I want to back up your deal today with a special guarantee, one that's twice as good as you'll see offered elsewhere…

You'll Get to Try All of This Risk-Free… For Double the Usual Amount of Time

The usual trial-period for a new subscription to Technology Profits Confidential is 3 months…

That means you would ordinarily get a full 3 months from right now — 90 days total — to look everything over and decide it's for you.

Soak up all the information in your "All-American Drugs" series of reports… check out your Quickstart Winners report… check out my alerts from week to week… and even paper trade the recommendations you'll find in every issue of my monthly letter.

Only, instead of just 90 days, I want you to take a full 180 days to look everything over. That's double the usual terms. Sound fair?

That's how much I think you'll love Technology Profits Confidential.

And remember, even if you decide in those first six months to cancel, I still want you to keep everything you've received. No questions asked.

You'll have a phone number that I'll send you, just as soon as you join. It will connect you directly with my team. And they'll be happy to give you a full refund, if that's what you've decided.

I'm happy to do this for you because, frankly, I don't believe there's the slightest bit of risk for me at all — you're going to love what you receive.

This is the point, of course, where the real decision is up to you.

Do you want to get in on this chance to get rich on the re-shoring of America's drug supply chain?

Do you want to grab gains on the resurgence of America's biotechs… on the inevitable rise of robotics technology… on our AI future… and satellite WiFi?

Do you want to be included in the boom for 5G… on breakthroughs in cancer treatments… and on everything else I know we'll cover?

If you don't, then thank you for your time.

If you do, however, now is your chance.

And all you need to do is click the "Subscribe Now" button you see below.


Clicking won’t obligate you to anything…

It just takes you to another page where you'll see every detail of your invitation laid out on a single page… so you can see what you're getting.

And then, you'll have the chance to enter your details so we can get you started right away.

And, I promise you, you do want to get started immediately.

Between the ticking time-bomb of another catastrophe in China… to almost certain action under discussion right now, deep in the heart of Washington…

We've never been closer to this kind of massive re-shoring of the American drug supply.

When it happens, the US shares I showed you could explode with gains.

But I don't believe anybody out there — Democrat or Republican or anybody body on Wall Street — believes we're going to sit back much longer.

This must be done.

For your safety, for mine, and for the good of all Americans.

It's really not a question of "if" but "when."

And I'm convinced it will happen very soon.

Will you miss it or will you be ready?

It's really up to you to choose.

All I can do is give you the chance to get started.

Click this "Subscribe Now" button and you'll see how…


But don't wait too long.

Already, we've seen the threats to our national drug supply chain thanks to the pandemic, back when it was first unleashed in China.

Now we're looking at even more threats… and more compelling reasons… to make sure our pharmaceutical market isn't exposed to those risks again.

But, again, this isn't just about a leap ahead in medical security.

These "re-shoring" actions are almost certain to send a tidal wave of new investment wealth into our "homegrown" drug companies…

Starting with the opportunities I would love to name for you right now.

And that's just the beginning.

I'm already compiling a list of another dozen or more companies that take off too. Especially among our native biotechs and firms with those "advanced manufacturing techniques" talked about in that testimony from the FDA.

There's an incredible opportunity here.

I'd hate for you to miss it.

Go ahead and click “Subscribe Now” below to get started.


Everything we've talked about has already been set aside, waiting for your order.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Ray Blanco
Editor and Senior Research Analyst, Technology Profits Confidential
February 2021

P.S. You might still have questions.

Let me clear those up…

Q: How long do I have to jump on this opportunity?

Not long.

Don't get me wrong, Technology Profits Confidential will be around for the long haul. We've already been at this for 10 years.

And we've covered countless other surprising tech market investment opportunities for our readers. With very impressive results.

But the pressure under this "National Pharmaceutical Initiative" I've been telling you about has been building up for some time.

Even before the pandemic started, we've known about this risk.

Washington is just playing catchup to address a crisis they should have taken care of years ago. Any action they take now is already overdue.

But that's not our concern.

Our beat is to cover the impact this is going to have on financial markets… especially on innovative, US-based pharmaceuticals.

I fully expect that impact to be huge.

Q: How hard will it be to profit from this?

Anybody who guarantees profits isn't being honest with you.

Like anything worthwhile, good market decisions take work.

Fortunely, I've already done that work for you.

I've poured over the indexes, isolated the companies to target, and studied their drug trial schedules and financials.

I've also talked to all the scientists, CEOs, and other industry insiders. I know these opportunities I'll show you inside and out.

And I'm ready to share everything I've uncovered.

It's all spelled out for you in plain English, in the reports that I'd love to send you as soon you sign up for your trial subscription.

Q: What else will I get out of your research?

I hope by now you see this isn't the only opportunity I've got lined up for you.

As I said, Technology Profits Confidential is one of the most respected tech market research letters out there today.

We have more than 86,256 readers worldwide, including many who have followed my work year after year.

And in that time, I've helped them uncover enormous chances to profit. Not just in breakout American biotechs, but AI, robotics, satellite tech, IoT and more.

I love science and technology. It's my lifelong passion. To be honest, I'm just glad I've found a way to connect that to something so lucrative as tech stocks.

It's also why I've been able to build what could be the farthest reaching network of experts and insiders anywhere.

I'm in regular contact with top technology company CEOs, scientists, powerful politicians, you name it. I know what they're up to.

And long before most people, I've got a pretty good idea about what they'll do next… and how to translate those steps into stock market returns.

Whether that means small moves in big tech blue chips… or big leaps for a tiny share that could soar 500% or more…

That's exactly what I'll have ready to share with you in your issues of Technology Profits Confidential.

You'll get a new recommendation from me every month, detailing exactly what you need to know about what's happening and what to do.

I spell out all the triggers I see lining up for each and every move… I'll give you dates and events to watch for… and I'll give sell dates too.

In fact, that's what my alerts are for.

Between issues, I'll use alerts to make sure you know when it's time to cash out… or when there's been any development at all we need to watch.

This couldn't be easier.

I'll spell out every step you'll want to take, in simple straightforward language.

On my private member's website, you'll also have unlimited access to the full Technology Profits Confidential model portfolio…

Where you can look up the name and ticker of every stock I've recommended, with every entry price and date detailed…

Plus the percentage gains so far…

Along with a tag on every position that clearly tells you whether it's a "buy"… "hold" or "sell"… even someone who's never done this can follow along.

I've got lots of readers who are seasoned pros, but just as many beginners.

So it doesn't matter where you are on that scale.

It also doesn't matter if you're starting out with just $100 or a $100,000.

You're going to find something new and exciting in your Technology Profits Confidential trial subscription for everybody.

Q: How do I know you're for real?

In case you missed it earlier, this is me…

As I've said a few times here, I’m a science nerd and proud of it.

As a kid back in the 1970s and ‘80s, I spent hours typing programming code into a rudimentary Timex Sinclair 1000.

I literally had a "science lab" in my basement, where I built things like devices to collect and detect ionized particles.

I grew up devouring everything I could read on robotics and avionics… genomics and biotechnology… and more.

I’m telling you this because I truly believe it helps set me apart from all the other technology market "gurus" you're going to find about there.

I genuinely care about the science behind the money.

In fact, I literally owe my life to it — I'm a cancer survivor thanks to a breakthrough medicine very much like the essential drugs we talked about.

That was in my early 20s.

Fast forward and I eventually found myself designing a software platform for a private financial firm in one of the wealthiest sectors anywhere in America.

We had over $33 billion in our accounts.

That’s where fell in love with the investing side of technology. I was helping to oversee operations for more than $100 million in trades every day.

I truly believe that sets me apart from the other analysts you'll hear from too.

As a programmer, I literally had to write the algorithms that managed those trades — and had to understand them better than the brokers themselves.

Today, I've partnered with the largest fully independent financial research organization in America. Millions of readers follow our work.

I don’t accept money or favors from the companies we cover, and I don’t “front-run” any of the investments we recommend.

My research is fully independent.

It's the only way I can make absolutely sure you'll get the finest, most unbiased recommendations anybody can offer.

It's also the only way I know how to earn your trust, so you'll stick with me year after year. That's our business model. It's not complicated but it works.

You take absolutely no risk to see if I'm right.

All you need to do is accept my invitation to take a trial subscription… backed by the DOUBLE guarantee I explained to you earlier.

Which means, go ahead and look everything over for six full months and if you decide to cancel in that time, no problem. You'll get a 100% refund.

No questions asked.

Go ahead and give my work a try. I know you'll be glad you did. And if not, you won't be risking a single penny of what you'll pay to subscribe.

Doesn't that sound fair?

Here's that link again where you can click through and see the details…


And here's just a glimpse so you can see what's waiting for you on the other side of that click…

product shot

As you can see, you're getting immediate access to your All-American Drugs library of investment briefings…

Plus your weekly market updates… your instant market buy-or-sell alerts… and your member's-only access to my private website…

You're also getting the monthly subcribers-only phone call… and of course, you'll get your regular monthly issues of Technology Profits Confidential.

Your benefits start within minutes of you accepting my invitation.

You can review all the details here — with no obligation to buy right away — just by clicking this link…


Q: What if I'm still not sure?

If you still have doubts, you should hear what my other readers are saying.

People like Frank Dickens, who wrote…

“Thanks Ray for reminding us to take some profits on the way up! The hardest thing for me is deciding when to sell a winner… keep up the good work.”

— Frank Dickens

Or Francine B., who said…

“Fabulous!  I don't think I have ever made that much money in so little time.”

— Francine Beauvoir

And this one, from reader John B…

“Ray… an 82.71% net return in four and half months… not bad!  Keep ‘em coming.”

— John Buetow

I have many more on file, which you're welcome to see for yourself…

"I have to congratulate you for this pick! I bought 3,000 shares at $9. I'm up a nice chunk of change. You painted a great picture and time paid off."

— Eduardo Capeluto

"Technology Profits Confidential is the bedrock of my portfolio… [the returns] confirm that life-altering wealth through technology is possible…" 

— Robert Piercy

"YES. Absolutely YES. And my satisfaction is not based solely upon the recommended investment opportunities [in Technology Profits Confidential], although some of them are prime candidates… The most valuable aspect of the letter is the forward looking education and analysis which has no equal…"

— Carl Riggs

My point is, there's not a doubt in my mind that all of these good folks were once in a position just like you are right now, as you read these words.

They also received an invitation from me. And they were also trying to decide — as you are — whether they should take the chance.

And you can see for yourself, they're glad they did.

I'm convinced you'll be glad too. Maybe you'll even be the one sending me a letter like this, with your picture appearing above the details.

I hope so.

Nothing would make me happier than to see you reap the same kind of rewards… from opportunities just like the one we talked about today.

Q: How much money could I make?

If I can show you how to make more money than 99% of Americans on any of the many dozens of opportunities we'll look at together… I'll be happy.

And I'm absolutely convinced I can do that, if my history at the helm of Technology Profits Confidential is any kind of guide.

But this opportunity — where we could literally see billions of dollars re-focused on the American drug market — is easily one of our biggest yet.

I've already lined up more companies to show you… many of which you'll never hear about anywhere else… until it's too late.

This is the best way I know for you to beat the market.

Give my Technology Profits Confidential research a try and you'll have a chance to join us, while there's still plenty of time to lock in for gains.

All you need to do to get started is click the subscribe button below…


Follow it to the page where you'll get full details.

You'll absolutely have a chance to review everything before you actually place your order. And you'll have six risk-free months to look it all over.

That should be plenty of time for you to decide if it's for you.

P.S. If you still have more questions, either now or about your subscription, you can also call my Technology Profits Confidential customer care team at 844-370-6637.

They're based right here in the U.S. And they’re standing by to answer you from 9am to 8pm Eastern time.

Don't wait — let me hear from you, while you still have time to jump on this opportunity.

If you wait until after a key "announcement" — either from the White House or Congress or our American drug companies themselves — you'll be too late.

Here's that "Subscribe Now" link one more time.


Click and you'll see how to get started right away.